The Once Upon a Time castle projection show debuted at the Magic Kingdom on November 4, 2016. This show replaced a similar show called Celebrate the Magic. The Once Upon a Time show comes to Florida by way of Tokyo Disneyland. It has been adapted from a very similar show that was developed for the Tokyo Disney parks. The effects of this show are just incredible.
The Once Upon a Time castle projection show features many favorite Disney movie characters. The show is hosted by Mrs. Potts and her son Chip. Mrs. Potts tells Chip a lovely bedtime story and magic ensues. The story features scenes from Pinocchio, Aladdin, Peter Pan, and Cinderella. The blockbuster movie Frozen is, of course, featured with a stirring rendition of “Let it Go.” In addition there are scenes from Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh. Since the story is told by Mrs. Potts, much of the finale of the show is dedicated to Beauty and the Beast, and it is really lovely.
The technology in the projection show is fantastic. It is amazing to see favorite movie scenes displayed on Cinderella Castle! The projections are mostly very clear, and the show itself is fantastic. Be prepared for a fireworks surprise in addition to the beautiful projections! Altogether the Once Upon a Time Projection show is a nice addition to the nighttime entertainment line-up at the Magic Kingdom.
This nighttime show can be viewed from anywhere on Main Street USA in front of Cinderella Castle. This charming show, which lasts approximately 14 minutes, will likely be enjoyed by the majority of guests to the park.