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Customizing My Disney Experience

Since you will be using the My Disney Experience website or app for a great deal of your planning, you should take a minute and personalize your experience. Creating an avatar for your account is a great way to not only show off your favorite character, but it also helps to tell apart members of your family if there is more than one in your account. Customizing your My Disney Experience account, makes your account your own!

Choose Your Avatar

In order to choose your character avatar from the My Disney Experience menu on the top right of the site, choose My Profile (located under the My Account section). There are so many characters to choose! From Darth Vader to Rapunzel, and Winnie the Pooh to Spiderman, there’s a character for everyone in your traveling party!


From here, you will be able to select the About Me section and make updates.


One thing that cannot be updated online is your date of birth. If for some reason that needs to be changed (i.e. you had a typo when you created your account), you will need to call the My Disney Experience help desk to get that error corrected.

From the About Me page, you can update your name. Since we want to select an avatar character, select change character on this screen.

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Now is the time to make a decision. There are currently 60 different characters to choose from.

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Good news for the indecisive or those with multiple favorites. You can follow this procedure as many times as you wish and change your character of choice. You can change your avatar as many times as you want! Go ahead and change your avatar before every new Walt Disney World vacation!

Once your character is selected, it will be featured on your account each time you log in.


For more information about how to use My Disney Experience, you can start here!

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